Editorial: Sokol BRAHAJ
Turkey's Finance Minister Berat Albayrak dispelled rumours that foreign currencies in bank accounts will not be converted into Turkish liras as lies. Turkish Treasury and Finance Minister Berat Albayrak, seen here speaking during a presentation to announce his economic policy in Istanbul, says no foreign currency accounts will be forcibly converted to liras. (Reuters)
Turkey’s treasury and finance minister early on Monday vowed to fight “lies” that deposit money would be seized or that foreign currencies in bank accounts would be converted into Turkish liras, saying that no such steps would be taken.
"Deposit money will not be seized. Foreign currencies in bank accounts will not be converted into Turkish liras. However, those lies will be fought off until the end in the judicial sphere," Berat Albayrak tweeted.
Albayrak said an action plan was coming into effect starting early Monday.
"Our institutions will take the necessary steps to relax the markets," he said.
Albayrak said they prepared the plan together with banks for the real sector, the sector the most affected by recent currency fluctuations.
"We will take the necessary steps rapidly, together with our banks and the Banking Regulation and Supervision Agency," he added.
Treasury and Finance Minister Berat Albayrak says Turkey will execute a new economic model with all market stakeholders and also carry out tight monetary and fiscal policy.
Tukey's Treasury and Finance Minister Berat Albayrak speaks at an event introducing the "new economic model" at the Dolmabahce Palace in Istanbul on Aug 10, 2018. (AA)
Turkey’s new economic perspective was unveiled on Friday by the state’s top economic official, Treasury and Finance Minister Berat Albayrak.
Speaking at an event introducing the "new economic model" at the Dolmabahce Palace in Istanbul, Albayrak stated that their principle will be to maintain more effective and confidential communication with all market shareholders.
"Another of our principles is to provide full independence in monetary policies," he stressed.
Turkey will carry out tight monetary and fiscal policy and reestablish budget balances and boost its quality, he added.
Earlier on Friday, President Recep Tayyip Erdogan called on Turkish citizens to convert their foreign exchange savings into liras.
"Anyone who has dollars, euros, or gold underneath their mattresses should go to the bank and convert them into Turkish liras," Erdogan told a rally in the northeastern Bayburt province.
Erdogan called such moves part of a "national struggle."
Erdogan also said Turkish people should not worry, saying: "We also have measures to guard against all negative possibilities."
Criticising what he called the "interest lobbies," he added that they cannot "overthrow" Turkey.
Erdogan said the "waves of artificial financial instability" Turkey is being subjected to ignore its economic strength, as it faces "not a single problem" in macroeconomic data, producing power, or its banking system.
Trump doubles tariffs on Turkish steel and aluminium
US President Donald Trump says he's just authorised the doubling of steel and aluminium tariffs "with respect to Turkey."
Trump says via tweet that the tariff on aluminium imports will be increased to 20 percent and the tariff on steel imports will be raised to 50 percent as the Turkish Lira "slides rapidly downward against our very strong Dollar!"
Trump also declared, "Our relations with Turkey are not good at this time!"
Turkey's Trade Ministry responded to the tariffs later on Friday, saying they are against the rules set by the World Trade Organization (WTO).
"Turkey, as it determines and implements its own trade policy in compliance with the World Trade Organization, expects other member countries to comply with international rules," the ministry said in a press release.
"We will continue to support our iron, steel and aluminium exporters by defending their interests against illegal practices of other countries on every international platform, especially WTO," the statement added.
"The US will continue to be our important trading partner," it underlined.
Turkey's iron, steel and aluminum exports to the US were $1.1 billion in 2017, equal to 0.7 percent of the total exports. In the same year, Turkey' s imports from the US were worth $1.3 billion, the ministry said.
"The real losers of decisions taken by the US administration are producers, private sector, and exporters of both countries," the statement concluded.
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